
This is the angel I'm hoping will be my son!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Ay yi yi!!

It's been a busy day! I have been on the phone with home study agencies and finally found one that I will be happy with, so I have started filling out the MOUNTAINS of paper work involved in the adoption process! I have also connected with someone from Georgia Agape, that used to go to school with my brother. Talk about a small world! She has adopted two kids from Eastern Europe as well and has been immensely helpful! I look forward to getting to know her better!

I also went and got my fingerprints done for the FBI, so I can check that off my list! I heard through the home study agency that the normal turn around time is 2-3 months but are other companies out there that help expedite that for a reasonable fee. Are any of you familiar with that? I know there is information about it, as in a list of the companies, on the FBI website. I just wondered if any of you have experiences with it.

I talked to my boss today about getting the school involved and she said she would have to double check to make sure we can do fundraisers like bake sales etc. for something like this. I have heard of other schools doing these things so I'm not too worried about it, but prayers would be much appreciated. I also started looking for that part time job today! So, things are moving briskly! :)

I already think of Mark as my son and look at his sweet face often. Their is another family that has shown interest in him and I know it is up to GOD and to some extent the agencies in Eastern Europe where he will go, but I really really really, have I said really yet? hope he comes to me. So, please keep us in your prayers!

As always, thanks for helping me brink Mark home!



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